You have chosen the Star and the Ace of Wands. This is the time where you should get on with things to do with work. You should seize the moment. You've got to make the most of the way you feel right now. You've got to be assertive and adventurous and very enterprising for your enthusiasm and energy will lead to you ambitions right now. If you are deeply moved by something, even if you've never tackled it before, now is the time to be enterprising and see if you can cash in. It's time to explore who you are and what you want from life and to turn a hobby maybe into a career. The Ace of Wands is a new beginning which is associated with your work or your career. It is usually to do with a small group of people and it's the start of a brand new action and you are beginning an enterprise which is full of growth; it is indeed an excellent time. This is a very fertile career. You need to look closely at it and see what you can make from it. The Star is a card that is to do with your hopes and wishes. It's about your principles and ideals and locking them together within a career. You've got to go with your aspirations, keep one foot firmly on land and test the waters. It's a lucky time for you and if you can combine this with your career you will be happy within your life. The Star card is about wish fulfilment, what you have wished for yourself. It has very strong healing qualities linked to it. Links to your social life and your standing within the community. It's about your principles and ideals being locked into a career and making something worthwhile happen because you truly want it and believe in yourself. You've got experience now to be able to moderately try something new to see if it will work. It's about being a bit of an entrepreneur. Some describe you as being ahead of your time. You've got a daring to be different and you should use it. You are able to stand out from the crowd because you've got unique and original ideas. It is not a time to be traditional. You've got to be confident and stand by what you believe in. It's a time to look at the unusual and see if you can turn it into some kind of income. It's taking a fresh approach to an old system or a problem that you can turn around and have a massive impact upon others. It may be a little controversial but you have very quick thinking and you are able to make things happen and so if you can share that with others you'll be investing wisely in your time, efforts and energy, creating something new that is different, dynamic and exciting.