You have chosen the Star and the Ace of Swords. The Star card is about the hopes and wishes that you have for yourself. It's a wonderful card. It shows that you test new waters very gently with one foot firmly on land showing that you've got common sense. It's a really lucky card. It's what you wish for yourself. It's the wish fulfilment of wanting something and making it happen. It shows there is a new beginning due to the Ace of Swords. This new beginning is a wilfulness to make sure that you're not a dreamer. You're putting your dreams into a plan of action and sharpening yourself up to get ready to go for it for you're realising there's two sides to everything and you're forcing you way through the negative situation and cutting away from what is old and no longer of any use to you. There's a victory here. This new way of thinking is good. You're determined. Your mental energy is firing exactly as it should. Now you've got to put it into action. This is to do with your principles and ideas and as long as you really focus and mean it for yourself your plan will happen, but it's got to mean something, it can't just be empty. We all want everything, we all need things but if you really care and you really are inspired by this and you want it enough you'll do it. It's about testing new waters and realising that the people around you can be very helpful. It's about needing to feel a connection to a group of people such as a family or your social group where you're all working towards these positive changes particularly when it comes to the environment. You realise how human potential can best be developed and you have a knack of making sure that the job gets done. You're really good at working with the group and making sure that everyone works in a team and that it's very fulfilling and inspiring to apply yourself towards something that you feel is important to yourself and the like-minded souls that are working on the project. You need to formulate what's best for the community and by working as a group you realise that whether it's a neighbourhood or professional body that you need to work together as a team because you truly believe in what you're doing.