You have chosen the Star and the Ace of Cups. This card is to do with your principles and ideals. It's the beginning of a new love affair from the heart. Now, this is a relationship with someone or something that is close to your heart. It is something to do with what you enjoy emotionally, something you really enjoy and love doing. For this is a lucky time and it's an opportunity to bring out the emotions inside of you. The messages here are that you can get this just right for yourself. It is the birth of a new and beautiful emotion for you, a wish coming true for the Star is a wish card and it shows that your hopes and wishes are on their way. You are keeping one foot firmly on land while you test new waters. This is about you and your aspirations. It's where you pick up your social life and your standing within your community. It deals with your hopes and ideals and it shows that things are coming to a new beginnings. The Star is a representation of hopefulness, happiness and optimism. If you've been going through a tough time it shows that everything's about to recover. Things are transforming within your world. They're getting much better but it needs to be confident and optimistic because then you can be as happy as you have possibly ever been. You will find that your family and friends are closest to you right now. You're now getting on with everyone and you've worked really hard and that closeness now makes you feel that you are feeling special with someone and this will pay dividends. You must believe in your own ability and have the confidence. You've got a very cheerful disposition and you see that life is ultimately good. You can now enjoy the energy and your enthusiasm to plan ahead which also helps everyone around you to feel better about themselves. This is because you dare to be unique and original and you're ahead of your time. you've taken a fresh approach to life and it has worked wonders. You've got the gift of self honest and you're fair and decent. This is because you possess a deep routed sense of responsibility to others and you go about your business in a very calm and detached civilised manner. You deal with loyalty and dedication to your loved ones, which makes you who you are.