You have chosen the moon and the 2 of Swords. You are feeling negative to do with a partnership or a pair. you're choosing not to see your emotions and the way that you think. This is causing you to be very indecisive. You're living on the edge where you don't know what to do next. It's time to call a truce. You're choosing not to look at things clearly and avoiding the issue. You need to take the blindfold off and see things as they really are. The moon deals with our secrets, restrictions and our limitations which is usually linked with our emotions. It can make us feel all over the place. You can deceive yourself very easily when the moon comes into your reading. We fear going into ourselves for we feel that it could be so painful and so confusing that we stick our heads in the sand and try to day dream our way out of hiding our emotions. This is because we are fearful of the sadness. This makes us confused, then we become reflective, then we become manic and moody. We feel that we're depressed and that we're having some sort of crisis so we try to cover things up. We're afraid to look at our own emotions for what you're being asked to do is to look at how the moon works, that's how it affects you. Your emotions need an outlet and if you understand that the moon can be very deceptive for at night time things look strange in the moonlight. Now you can see just how much it can effect a human being for all is not what it seems. Your emotions need an outlet. They need to come out and for you, you need to talk about how you feel. If you don't feel that you can trust someone you can always write down you feelings on paper and once you've got it all out you can make sure that nobody ever sees it by burning it and letting go with love the emotions that you've had that are now in the past position. To continue to cover up your emotions is unhealthy but with the moon we feel so confused we don't know what to do we feel that everything is muddled up or mixed up and we are misunderstood. We are so confused ourselves, how can we expect someone else to understand. so the way to heal is for you to communicate your emotions and give them an outlet, that way then you will see things clearly and working your way through a filing system of sorting out exactly how you feel so that you can release it and be back into a clarity situation where you can see again.