You have chosen the Moon and the 3 of Pentacles. There are restrictions and limitations making you feel that you're all over the place. Perhaps you are deceiving yourself with no clarity. Your head is stuck in the sand and you are day dreaming your way, finding that you can hide your emotions and your sadness and cover up your confusion. You are worried that if you look into yourself you will be too reflective and drive yourself into depression which makes you feel that you're overwhelmed and facing a crisis. By looking at your past you are able to create your future in a better place for it is important to know where we come from. We do not need to dwell on these things but just be aware of what has happened in the past. The 3 of Pentacles explains that your employment is necessary to start at the bottom and work your way upwards. There is skill and training involved and maybe you don't want to face up to the fact that you may need to re-train. You should be working with lots of people. Indeed, if not with, for and on behalf of something like a school or a university would be excellent. It involves you co-operating with others and a learning of new skills. Do not shy away from this for it is indeed a good place for you to be. It is excellent if you are employed in a very small working environment where you can elevate your position and work upwards. You are not someone that should be self employed. You work best with others and although the moon is asking you to look at things, things can look a little odd for if we stand in the moon light things can look deceptive, they're not the same. By doing so you are able to pick your way through the muddles, mistakes and misunderstandings that have gone on before you. It is time to get in touch with your intuition and to sort out your instincts. Make sure that you are in tune with your imagination for you can develop the talents and skills that you did not appreciate that you had. Don't delude yourself or deceive yourself into believing what suits you. Think twice. You are someone that's capable of being very practical and matter of fact and you are extremely good to have around in a crisis. Use a practical approach and adopt a down to earth attitude. Be as diligent and dutiful as you possibly can and you'll fare just fine.