You have chosen the Moon and the 6 of Cups. This is a time for nostalgia, to looking back to the past for it deals with your emotions. The 6 of Cups is asking you to look at what you're remembering and reminiscing. you're lonely for your family and maybe you're feeling homesick. There's memories from your childhood flooding back and you're feeling that you want to reconcile some differences of maybe people or things that are either present or past. Your emotions are going through some changes right now for the Moon works in close conjunction with Pisces which deals with our limitations and the restrictions within our lives, particularly when it's emotions. you're feeing all over the place and deceiving yourself from any clarify, sticking your head in the sand is no good. It's no good day dreaming your way out of hiding the emotions inside of yourself. The sadness and confusion needs to come out and you need to reflect, get rid of the manic ness and stop being so moody. you're hiding your emotions which is making you feel depressed as if you're going through a crisis. Stop covering up. Look into your emotions, it maybe painful but all is not as it seems, things are buried and your emotions need an outlet. The moon is really beautiful but it makes us look at things in a very strange light for it's confused and deluded for when we look at things at night, they look different even though during the daylight we feel quite comfortable. So you're being asked to look at how the moon is affecting you. you're seeing it as something that is causing you to be muddled, mixed up and misunderstood and you're feeling confused. As soon as you allow all this craziness to come out you will feel so much better for you're just full of intense feelings that need to come outwards.