You have chosen the moon and the Page of Swords. The moon is a card that deals with the star sign Pisces. This is about the secrets and restrictions and limitations that go on in your world. It's a time for telling that you are all over the place, as if you're deceiving yourself. There's no clarity. It's as if you've got your head stuck in the sand and you're trying to get rid of the hidden emotions. you're day dreaming, trying to find a way out of your sadness and your confusion but this is a time to be reflective and it may make you feel as if your mood is swinging backwards and forwards, manically. You may feel that you're covering up lots of hidden emotions and that you're scared to look inside to see what's really there for fear that it could be quite painful. But things are not all as they seem. Things are buried and once you start to look at things in the moon light you will discover that things do look strange for at night time there's lots of confusion, illusion and delusion. This is a time to look at your feelings and your instincts and yes, you may be feeling some very powerful charges of emotion. But all you've got to do is look at things and see that things are just built on muddles, misunderstandings and possible mistakes. It's time to follow your instincts and go with that gut feeling and although you feel that things are small and that you don't have enough knowledge to deal with this, you are someone who has the ability to get through these minor setbacks. Of course they've been a general nuisance to you and you fear gossip from other people but what of it? It's more irritable and annoying than anything else. This backwards and forwardness that you're experiencing is because your plans are in their infancy and you need a little bit more knowledge, practice and experience of life in order to negotiate these obstacles more smoothly. It's time to look at your intuition and look at your imagination and look at the creative skills that you have and appreciate the way in which you work. You will find being near water will calm you down and help you to relax. Perhaps you've been so busy looking at everybody else's problems that you found it difficult to defend your own, so it's time for some quiet time, some reflection and to allow yourself to be near calming, soothing water for this will help you to relax and focus on your spiritual side which will give you the strength to see these obstacles through.