You have chosen the moon and the Page of Pentacles. The moon is a card that deals with the secrets and restrictions that go on with our emotions. It makes us feel that we are limited. This is because the moon light causes us to deceive ourselves. We feel that we're all over the place, as if we've got no clarity. By sticking our head in the sand we can hide from emotions but that does us no good for all we feel is confusion and sadness. It's a time to look inside yourself and be reflective. Don't worry about whether it makes you feel moody or manic, it doesn't matter, it's getting rid of this depression and this so called mid life crisis that you're trying to cover up. So you understand how the moon can affect you just think how things look in the moonlight. Everything looks slightly different as if there's a delusion or an illusion. This leads to the confusion in your highly charged emotions. You need to be aware that they're just muddles, mixups and possible misunderstandings and you're normally someone who is able to cope. Now to cheer you up, there is a message of new financial opportunity available to you and you've got the fixed focus to go for this. You're capable of studying hard to train, educate yourself and learn new ways to make some money. It doesn't matter whether you are young or old, this is an offer to you providing you can work out a strategy for getting your emotions sorted out for you now need to focus on the goods and possessions in one way or another. You're capable of working very hard towards your goal but things will happen slower than you think so it's time to look at things, study it carefully, and put your financial security first. Seeing is believing for you. You're quite rooted and earth bound. Once you've sorted out your emotions you'll feel tons better. All it is is that your emotions need an outlet in order for you to sort things out. Just make sure that you don't delude yourself to believing what suits you, as long as you're honest and you face up to the muddles and misunderstandings, you'll be fine.