You have chosen the Moon and the Page of Cups. Both of these cards are to do with your emotions and the Cups is one of the happiest suits. It deals with our love and our emotions and deals with the star signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The moon is a difficult card for it deals with our emotions and it shows that you're feeling all over the place right now. You've been deceiving yourself with no clarity, day dreaming your way out of hiding from your emotions and you're feeling sad and confused. It's time to stop sticking your head in the sand and stop feeling confused, it's time to reflect. By continuing to feel like you are, you're muddled, mixed up, feeling manic and moody and you're hiding your motives, scared that you're depressed or facing some sort of mid life crisis. You need to stop covering up how you feel and stop hiding from your own emotions. you're just afraid that it will be painful but all is not as it seems, things are just buried. The Page of Cups is telling you you've got a very vivid imagination and that there is a small message of some love and romance coming into your world. It's in its infancy and you are someone who will easily get into a crush or infatuated with something that captures your imagination. It's time now for you to dream up some new ideas and to let your emotions have an outlet. It's time to stop being immature. Be more flamboyant, be more artistic, be more theatrical and enjoy the fact that you are a human being that deserves to talk about how you feel and feel better once you've discussed it with someone else, so it's time for a period of change and you may feel a little uneasy about it. You won't have much control over what's happening unless you're prepared to look at this marvellous new opportunities that are going to come your way but you need to view life with honesty and clarity and that way then you can realise that this chapter in your life is dealt with and that it's been sensitive and emotional but that you're moving on and updating who you are and what you want.