You have chosen the moon and the 9 of Wands. The Moon is card that makes us feel emotionally all over the place. We try to deceive ourselves. We have no clarity, we feel our head is stuck in the sand. You've been day dreaming and hiding your emotions. This is to cover up the sadness and confusion that you are feeling. You're hidden motives are making you feel depressed, as if there's a mid life crisis coming up. You need to go back and delve into your own emotions for the moon is ruled by the star sign Pisces. This deals with the secrets, restrictions and limitations that every human being faces. Not all is as it seems. Things are buried and you need to work out where this is coming from for the 9 of wands is telling you that work is becoming a bit of a problem. Because of your emotional state with the moon it is having an effect upon your work. You are trying to hard to cover up that you are trying to defend something without success. You are doing far too much. Physically you're worn out. This is because of your emotional state. You re covering up and trying to use work so that you do not have to face up to the reality of how you are feeling. By throwing yourself into work you are fighting a losing battle. You will not surrender because you feel you must protect what is yours. It is your way of being stubborn but you're fighting a losing battle. You're doing so much that this will lead to physical illness because you are trying so hard to protect what has already got out of hand. It is time to realise that you really must look inside yourself. If you look at the moon for what it really is, things look strange and different in the moon light. This causes us to feel that we are deluded or that we are full of confusions. These misunderstands and muddles lead to mistakes and your circumstances are that you find yourself throwing yourself into work, hoping to cover up the misery of how you feel. You may be fooling yourself that everything is fine but you know that there is something that you're trying to escape from and it is yourself. You must look closely at your feelings and your emotions for you can move no further until you resolve why you are feeling the way that you are. It is a time for you to take a break so that you can make the most of your imagination and your intuition. Try to do something creative, develop talents and skills and find yourself being somewhere relaxing, water in particular is very good for you for the moon is ruled by Pisces which is a link with water. This will help you to relax and to look deep within yourself and sort out what you want and perhaps most importantly, what you don't want. It is a time for a crossroads within your life, to change things that are no longer viable or valid to you at this moment in time. Everything reaches it's sell by date and it shelf life expires. You need to look at yourself and find out the things that you want to keep and sort out the muddles of the things you would wish no longer to have a place in your lifestyle.