You have chosen the Moon and the 9 of Swords. The Moon is a card that makes us feel strange, vulnerable and dependent for at night time things look very different. This is how the moon is affecting your world for things are out of proportion, you're seeing things from a very different perspective. This is because the moon causes us to see illusions and delusions, particularly when things are in the moonlight. The moon is linked to your emotions and the 9 of Swords is linked to your mental clarity or, in this case, the lack of it. you're exhausted. you're getting sleepless nights. Even if you're sleeping you're not resting. Because of this you're all over the place. you're thoughts and feelings are all about the fear, rejection, hurt anguish and paranoia. You really need to get some rest, some decent sleep. The moon is making you feel vulnerable, emotional and dependent for the moon is all about the secrets and restrictions within us. It limits us. It makes us feel all over the place. We deceive ourselves. We have no clarity. We stick our heads in the sand and we try to day dream our way out of the pain. By hiding our emotions we continue with sadness for there is no release, no outlet. It's a confusing time but you need to be reflective and the answer to sorting this out is to communicate your feelings. Your emotions need an outlet. They need to come out. You need to face up to what's wrong and you need to talk to somebody for the Sword family is telling you that you need to communicate your intentions and things have been getting worse. you're too exhausted to try and sort this one out alone. If you really feel that you can't trust anyone you need to write down how you feel. If there is someone you can trust, a personal friend or even a professional, you need to go and talk about your emotions and how you feel for these emotions simply are going round in circles and causing you to feel illusions, delusions, muddles, mix ups, confusions and totally exhausted from walking round in circles and not being able to see clearly. Your emotions and mental feelings really do just need an outlet and you need somebody who you can communicate with for you to get rid of how you've been feeling because they've had no outlet, you've been suppressing how you feel which is causing you to feel unease with the situation and slightly depressed. you've been covering everything up, there's not need for it anymore you just need to understand that the moon does cause us to see things very differently and you now need to let those feelings out so that you feel that you can move into the light, into the sunshine so that you're seeing things from a perspective where you feel well and happy.