You have chosen the Moon and the Knight of Pentacles. The moon is a card that's making you feel as if you're all over the place and you're deceiving yourself. You're hiding from how you feel, trying to day dream your way out of your emotions and sticking your head in the sand and feeling very, very confused. You feel that you're covering up so much that you're having a bit of a crisis. You're feeling a little depressed. This is because you've got some highly charged emotions and they need an outlet. You're afraid that if you look inside yourself it'll be so painful and things are so buried that you're afraid of what you may find, but this is making you feel moody and manic and you're hiding your motives and you're feeling that you're all over the place. This lack of clarity is making you feel vulnerable. The moon is a crazy card for all it does is makes us feel that things look different in the moonlight. We need to deal with how our emotions are. That way then we can move on. The Pentacle family is telling you that you are elevating yourself and you do have your feet firmly planted on the ground. Things must go slowly with you. You must deal with the goods and possessions in your world in one way or another. You've got to work things out in a slow and meticulous way and to deal with the finances in your world will definitely make you feel that you've got some self worth and that you are stimulated into making things happen and that you are coping. You may need some professional help with your emotions or you may just need a good friend or to look out and say to yourself that it's important to deal with what's happened and to put it in a box and move on. By dealing with your work and throwing yourself into it and putting your financial security first you will feel that you're coping much better for seeing is believing to you. You're very rooted and earth bound and capable of working extremely hard and for a long period of time so that you achieve your goals.