You have chosen the moon and the King of Pentacles. The moon is a card that makes us feel that we are deceiving ourselves for it makes us feel all over the place. It deals with the secrets, limitations and restrictions we put on our emotions. At the moment you're stuck. You're feeling there is no clarity. You need to stop day dreaming and stop hiding from your own emotions. There's probably been sadness and confusion and you're choosing to be reflective. You need to make sure that you're not deceiving yourself into believing what suits you. The moon is a card that can be highly deceptive for things look strange and different in the moon light at night so this leads to illusions and delusions and lots and lots of confusion. You need to look to give this thing an outlet and then you can sort your way through the mistakes and muddles and misunderstandings that's gone wrong. You're someone that's materialistic and you like a lot of clutter. It's very hard for people to get close to someone like you for you hold a very high position of security and wealth and you surround yourself with lots of material objects. You're at the top of your field and you're working towards financial security. You work hard to make sure things materialise. You're very good when it comes to making sure that your financially ok for you have a Midas touch, you know a strategy to makes things work and you stick with a traditional approach, never going for anything unless, more or less, a sure guarantee can be given that this will be a success so you're very clever how you pace your actions and where you put your contributions of money and energy. You need to express your feelings in concrete ways. The more you channel your emotions into physical affection and acts of service towards your loved ones the better. You have such a need for emotional comfort that you need the reliability of a stable, material environment which is why you have so many objects surrounding you. You're not someone that gets angry very easily but if you're pushed too far, well, the change occurs. Anything that brings unexpected change is what makes you wobble. This brings about anxiety and a stubborn resistance to anything new. Just keep surrounding yourself with the gratification and the reliability of your stable, material environment and you'll sort things out.