You have chosen the Moon and the 8 of Cups. You've been feeling all over the place, emotionally and mentally. You've been deceiving yourself. You've had no clarity and you've stuck your head in the sand. You're day dreams have got you by. Because you've been hiding your emotions. This has covered up the sadness and confusion that you've been feeling but it is time for you to reflect and dive into yourself and to no longer cover things up. This is because the moon makes us secretive and feels that we place restrictions and limits upon our life. This can be resolved for you by moving on through the experiences that you've had because now is a time for you to move forwards. You'll have to leave behind an emotional gap in your life, abandoning life as you know it. You must chose to walk away and leave the old life behind. It is time to move on. Within a month new things will happen. You must be brave and powerful and chose to abandon the things you love and care about, but with the fulfilment of time you will feel a sense of connectedness towards your aspirations for life. An episode is about to come to a close but this is time to clear the decks and start life again. There are so many fantastic new experiences about to come. Don't cling to the past, the old is no longer valid or viable. It can be painful but the actions you take now are going to pay off. You'll probably feel relieved and refreshed because as one door shuts another one opens. It is time to turn your back on parts of your world that have outlived their usefulness and you must look to the future. This is necessary for you to achieve the emotional happiness and contentment that you want. You must severe any emotional attachments, stop dwelling on the past and say goodbye for a while to those that you love and care about. This is because you need to get to know the inner you. This is so important towards your health and happiness and your spiritual development. The moon is also a symbol of time because it reflects our ability to feel connected with the past which is responsive to the present in the relations of ordinary life. It is now time to interact with others and you will give and receive physical affection. The moon will provide the safety and comfort for you to express yourself as an individual in many different ways.