You have chosen the Magician and the Three of Pentacles. The Three of Pentacles deals with the environment in which you work. You are not someone who is self employed. Perhaps you start at the bottom and are working your way upward or maybe you are even there. You are now working towards a more elevated position. There is definite skill and training involved in what you do with your working day. You have an environment to do with working for or with lots of people. Perhaps you work in a school, a hospital or a university but either way there is the development and the learning of new skills. What is needed here is cooperation, to get along with other people. The Magician is asking you to look at your achievements for it shows that you have the willpower to manifest whatever it is you want particularly when it comes to matters of work and your financial security. The Magician is about achieving your goals and it deals with the Planet Mercury. Mercury deals with how your mind is working, how you think and view reality. It's to do with the speech and communication. You must remember that when you are communicating verbal language is only one form. You are able to communicate with others through your feelings and your emotions, particularly when it comes to body language, facial expressions for example. It's the emotional atmosphere that we create. Even our clothes, make up, cars and our accents tell others all about ourselves - so think very clearly of how you want to project who you are to others and are you really getting the maximum potential out of your career. Look long and hard you have the knowledge, the experience, and the communication skills. If you want to go further the Magician is telling you that you have all the tools on the table - this is the perfect time. You are practical, skilful, knowledgeable, experienced and perfectly capable of manifesting anything your heart desires. Make the most of this very wonderful opportunity and look after your financial security now and for the long term future.