You have chosen the Magician and the Ten of Wands. The Ten of Wands shows that you are carrying a complete burden. You're working so hard when it comes to work or your career, you can't see the woods for the trees. You're too proud and too independent to ask for any help. It's time to go back and delegate - take this entire burden away from yourself. This is too heavy a load for one person. Perhaps you're being a little proud, stubborn and selfish. Your poor physical body is becoming worn out. This is comes from
a lack of trust. You must learn to sort this out. You're going to burn out and then you'll be no good for anything. Your physical body needs a rest: learn to share the workload. The Magician is here to help you for the Magician is a card of achievement. It's about using the will power and sheer determination to make things manifest and achieve your goals in a very clever way. The Magician works with the Planet Mercury and it's about how your mind works. It's how we learn, how we think and view reality, how we speak and communicate - so it's asking you to look inside yourself for you have all the tools on the table but because you're so tired and because you always do the job yourself you are not thinking as clearly as you could be. The Magician is who you are, you're capable of sorting this out very easily. Take a bit of rest, sit down and think things through. Work out a way to be more productive, more positive, for less effort, delegate to other people and learn to trust. It's about making the most of your brain cells and using your mind as much as possible, that way then you can launch your ideas that are for maximum productivity and minimum effort. It's simply a case of being clever which is what the Magician is suggesting you already are - you're just too tired at the moment. Take a moment, take some time out and think things through. After a good night's rest, the answers will come.