You have chosen the Magician and the Seven of Wands. The Magician is the card showing how your mind is working. It's about the cleverness of all of us. It links in to the Planet Mercury. This works with how your mind is thinking and how you view reality. It's about the speech and communication that goes on. The Magician is the card of achievement and will power. It's about manifesting your goals and achieving your hearts desire. The Seven of Wands shows that you are in place of advantage. You are in a position to defend yourself. Symbolically, you're on higher ground and you're staying on top of every situation. Within your working world you really are in a privileged position. This is a very positive time. You are able to look ahead and see that you have to plan. You defend yourself very easily - you know that you need keep your plans to yourself, that you are always planning ahead, you are always one step ahead of the game and you keep all your cards close to your chest - thus not letting anybody know what your plans are. This makes you a very good key player. In matters of your career you're going from strength to strength. You're really climbing the ladder of success and if you're not involved in working at the moment this is a terrific time to start as the cards are showing everything is working: physically, mentally and your communications are in top form. This is where you're using your mind as much as possible. It's helping you put your feelings into words and you're launching new ideas. Anything that stops you feeling bored or stuck in a rut is really good because you need constant stimulation and excitement. Make sure that all your communications are up to date: it's time to write letters, make phone calls and make sure that all meetings are arranged. Keep everything light hearted but keep on an intellectual wavelength that you feel makes the most of who you are. This is all about the powers of expression which are vital towards your own personal success so that you are furthering your cause when it comes to promoting who you are