You have chosen the Magician and the Seven of Swords. The Magician is the card that works with the Planet Mercury and this is about our speech and communication. It's how we think and view our reality. It's about how your mind operates. It's about making sure that everything is working towards an achievement that you can bring about by sheer determination of willpower and the will to succeed. It's about mixing and blending with the right people, having enough knowledge and enough practice of life and enough experience for hard work both mental, emotional, intellectual and physical. You need to achieve your goals. You really need to look at the amount of experience that you've gained. Are you changing camp and going in a different direction right now. Perhaps there's a need to go in quietly through the back door but don't be dishonest about it or do anything unethical. It's easy to try and take some short cuts. Watch your back, make sure that you gain the experience honestly and with integrity. Perhaps there's something here that says to you that you feel it's good but you feel that this doesn't really belong to you as if you're stealing something that doesn't quite fit but that's not the case. Don't give up just because you feel there's a change of direction and that you maybe haven't earned it. ou can always catch up on experience and practice by sheer hard work. If an opportunity has presented itself and you do not feel that it's being fair: communicate with the person who is offering this to you and make it clear that you're prepared to catch up on any experience, studies or knowledge that would be useful or desirable for your future together. Maybe this is a time of ducking and diving and in which case things are not as clear or precise as you normally have them. Just look where you're going and make sure that you don't make too many hiccups and just keep communicating with those around for it is communication that keeps people informed. Nobody minds anything if they're forewarned and forearmed. Be straight talking, keep everyone up to speed on your plans and your actions. Make sure phone calls, letters or any forms of communication are delivered on time.