You have chosen the Magician and the Seven of Cups. The Seven of Cups shows that you're feeling emotionally dissatisfied. This emotional confusion makes you feel that you're not seeing things straight. You have a very scattered focus. This is quite negative. You're feeling a little paranoid. You need to simply clear up the clutter. You might be recovering from an illness, which has caused you to feeling depressed and a little bit out of sorts. Perhaps you've been seeing things as a little bit unfocussed and your imagination has been running away from you. Things have not been quite right. All you need to do is make sure that you get things into order once more. The Magician is here to help you clear up your mind. The Magician is about how your mind is working: how you think and view reality. It deals with the Planet Mercury and this is all about communication and speech. It's a card of achievement and a card of manifestation. It shows that by sheer willpower you can sort things out. The Magician is here to help you achieve the goals that you think are important to you in your life and it shows that it's the right time now for you to focus on sorting out your emotions and getting rid of the clutter. You know that things are no longer viable or of any use to you any more but you hang on to this old emotion worried that you feel you are betraying someone by moving into the future. But it's important to realise that they've moved on, you've moved on. You wish them well and there is nothing to hold on to that is going to cause you to feel that you can't get on with the next stage of your life. This is the time now for you to look at what you want for yourself and to put all those confusing thoughts into a space where you realise that they are either outdated, nothing you can do about them or move forwards. Keep things really simple: the Magician is asking you to be as clear, straight forward as possible.That way then you'll get your thoughts into perspective.