You have chosen the Magician and the Queen of Wands. This is all about how your mind is working and how you think and view reality. In fact this card is about your communication. It's how you will go on to achieve what you want through sheer willpower. It's about manifesting your desires and achieving the goals you set out to do. This can be anything from something like passing a driving test, going on to graduate or finding the answer to something to do with research. These are just examples of how you can go and get what you want, whatever it is you do want. This is linked to your career and you are someone who is very outgoing and adventurous. You are loving and kind and very trusting. You are enterprising with everything you do. You're someone that wants to be on the move all the time and you're very physically involved - you're a person of action and you certainly get on and make sure things happen. You are enterprising with everything you do including being good with animals. Combining with this you need to mix and mingle with people who are on the same wavelength as you, particularly when it comes to intelligence. You're not someone that can be around someone whose boring for you enjoy getting on with life. It's your powers of expression that are vital for your personal success at work so you need to promote yourself to further your cause. If you are embarking on a new enterprise to do with your career it is your actions and your abilities that will influence its success. You've got to show off your talents for you are deeply talented with potential for getting on. You make the most of everything and make matters steer in a direction that you want them to take through the sheer force of who you are XXX all about the exchange of goods and services which forms the practical dimensions you are looking for. You fully understand life through comparison. Self-expression is very important to you. Experience for you is everything and you learn things best when you're allowed to make a personal, creative contribution rather than feeling restricted by a rigid or unimaginative process. This is far more satisfying than memorising information as you have a rich imagination which sometimes is highly subjective and for you need to shine and be recognised as special for you have originality and charisma which is always need of an admiring audience to appreciate your talents and efforts.