You have chosen the Magician and the Nine of Pentacles. The Magician shows that you are indeed someone who is capable of achieving much. For the Magician works with the Planet Mercury and this shows how your mind is working. It's about how you think, speak and view reality. The Magician is a card of achievement. Through your will power you are capable of manifesting and achieving much within your life - particularly to do with your material success because the Nine of Pentacles is telling us that you have achieved much or you are about to. The Nine of Pentacles tells us that you will be surrounded with luxury. It is the fulfilment of your personal dreams and wishes for there is much abundance on wealth around you. Nice things are very important to you. You have personal good taste. Everything you touch seems to come out with the maximum material security. You are lucrative. You tend to work in solitude and you are financially independent within your own right. You have earned your own money and solitude. You're out there working hard and you put work before relationships. You do not suffer fools gladly. You certainly know how to spoil yourself and quite all right to be decadent. You have class and charisma and you are someone who has earned it all by themselves - fair play to you. If you have not yet achieved this, this card is telling you that you will for your hard work and enterprising nature is absolutely what is called for to bring financial success and you have certainly used your experience, charisma, charm and physical hard work to plan the goals for your future. The Nine of Pentacles tells you that you will have a fantastic luxury filled life. With this comes choices: so you are able to chose how you spend your time but you do not have time for people who you consider to be lazy and ungrateful or miserly in any way. You prefer your own company; having learnt that other people are sometimes draining and when you work as hard as you do - the general public learn so much from you that you hardly need a social life for your work is everything to you. The Magician is telling you that you can go on and achieve even more if you feel physically and intellectually like you want the challenge.