You have chosen the Magician and the Knight of Swords. The Magician is the card that explains to you how your mind works. It's about the way in which you speak and communicate to other people. It also deals with how you think and view reality. The Magician is a very good card for it signifies the willpower to achieve something that you want. You're capable of making this manifestation towards your goal and achieving ultimate success with what you want to get but the Knight of Swords tell us that you need more knowledge and that you are someone who is impetuous. You're always like a yo-yo, backwards and forwards, dashing in with lots of energy, very shrewd, but you get bored all too easily. You can be childish and so you dash off and try something else. This can make you unpredictable and a bit of a loner for you're never around long enough for people to get to know you. You are impulsive. Everything is quick and hurried. The Sword family is how we all think and how our mind works and it shows that you lack experience and knowledge in the field in which you want to make a success. The Magician is linked to the Planet Mercury which is all about communicating - so if you're serious about this you really do need to get communicating. This involves making phone calls, arranging meetings, writing letters, anything that's going to help your project get off the ground. You have the powers of expression but do you have the staying power. You have a very good brain but you need to find something that you feel gives you the freedom to keep going with the project so you don't get bored. It's the way in which your actions and abilities are conducted that will influence this project's success or failure. You have the talents, you have the charm, you have the instinct, but you sometimes flit from project to project far too quickly. Jack-of-all-trades and master of none. If you're serious you can work out a way in which you can pursue this knowledge further and you'll get on by understanding the underlying patterns and the order of events and experiences rather than sitting down and learning it by paper. You have a systematic mind, which is tuned but abstract. Sometimes you are able to get the gist of something very quickly but you sometimes just move on far too quickly thinking you've gathered all the facts and a few vital pieces of information remain unknown to you. This is about staying power. If you don't think that you're stimulated enough with the subject, don't get too serious with it. You'll know when you want to put your whole energies into a project that you feel will give you the freedom to move around and keep focussed on.