You have chosen the Magician and the Knight of Wands. This is a time to achieve through will power and determination the goals that you want from life. It's about manifesting your desires and making them happen by sheer hard work, action and intelligence for the Magician works with the Planet Mercury. Mercury is all about how your mind is working. It's about how you think and view reality - this is the secret to your success for the Knight of Wands says that you are someone who always wants to be on the move particularly when it comes to work. You love moving and relocating. There's big, important travel on the horizon for you. Your adventures are about being on the move and involving new actions. This new enterprise that you are entering is very much a full-on adventure but there is a slight gap in your wisdom which means you need more experience and knowledge. This is not because you've been foolhardy - it's just that you've not yet gained the experience necessary to make it to the top but there is no question you are working hard towards that goal. The more you communicate with other people the more fortunate you will become and you're certainly on the right track. It is now a case of making sure people know you're around. You must write letters, make phone calls, and arrange meetings - anything connected to what you want, particularly when it comes to your career. Your powers of expression are vital to your personal success so you must promote yourself to further your cause. Embarking on this new enterprise or venture is all about your actions and abilities to influence the people around you. Whatever your current circumstances, you must show that you can be original, independent and hard working. You need to see this through from start to finish but you must give it everything and remember that two roads cannot be travelled at once. This inner tension is deeply challenging to you for you have many contradictions. Half of you wants to create and the other half wants to discover. You have a restless, inquisitive nature which is reluctant to be identified in any one particular direction or viewpoint. You're keen for new stimuli and you resent being trapped by obligations which curtails the freedom that you have to explore and exchange your ideas. You would be happiest working in a field such as research, teaching or the media - something where you are able to translate a dimension of life into another. You certainly have the intellect to crave a range of experiences.