You have chosen the Magician and the King of Wands. You are someone who always gets things done. You achieve things through sheer determination and willpower. Anything you want you make sure that you manifest. For you achieve your goals until you strike the top, for the Magician is all about how you think and view reality. Its how your mind is working and it deals with the speech and communicating that takes part in going and getting something that you want. You are someone that has fixed focus and that can be very rigid but because you are adventurous and creative it balances out. You're someone that enjoys the outdoors and you quite often like a walk. This stimulates you, clears your mind and allows you to work even harder as you are someone that is always physically active. You are always on a mission and looking to start something new. You've got the right balance: and your love of the outdoors helps you even more. If you are able to combine the love of the outdoors with your work, it will probably be something like gardening, carpentry, farmers, vets or someone who just has a nurturing instinct for getting things done - if that isn't your profession it doesn't matter because you are someone who works extremely hard and is just as physically active as those I've described. You are someone who constantly understands life by sudden leaps of intuitive insight. There is fantastic mental energy going on with you but this is dependent on bouts of enthusiasm and energy. Your interest is held when there are not too many details to be considered. In fact everything you produce is innovative, as long as there's not too much structure to analysis. You quite often disregard the objective facts or the opinions of others. You know by instinct and enthusiasm exactly what is right for you. This restlessness sometimes comes through with courage or impatience. You have to experience your own strength in order to work out the competition and achieving of your new goal. For you it's all about having the spirit of the pioneer and striving for independence in a field of work which gives you the freedom to make your own decisions and break new ground.