You have chosen the Magician and the King of Swords. The Magician is the card that rules the mind. It's about how your mind is working, about how you think and how you have a view on reality. It deals with communications and speech. It works with the Planet Mercury. It's a card of achievement, willpower and the manifestation of making things happen by sheer hard work and creativity to make sure that you see things through. This is about achieving the goals and making sure that you set out to have the highest standard possible for yourself. The King of Swords shows that you are someone who likes your own company. Some would describe you as lacking in emotions. However, you are extremely hard working and very shrewd, highly intellectual and very, very clever. You would make an experienced good leader - for you work best on your own when leading a team to victory because you're very strong willed and you are determined. You're someone who consults everything and makes sure that the standard is as high as possible. In matters of mind you are sharp and defiant and very focussed. You are excellent at putting your feelings into words and you are able to launch your ideas into something that is beautiful and extremely powerful. You're eloquent and you're in the top of the league when it comes to communications. You are someone who is restless and very, very inquisitive. You love travelling in two opposite directions for you are someone that finds everything stimulating. For the King of Swords is an air sign which is ruled by Gemini. Being a true Gemini is all about wanting to communicate and explore everything all at once. It's using your actions that will influence all successes around you but this will take hard work and lots of originality.