You have chosen the Magician and the Five of Swords. The Magician is the card that deals with how your mind is working - it's how you think and view reality. It deals with our speech and communication. It's a card of achievement, willpower and manifesting your goals making sure that what you want to happen comes your way. But there are people around you who are holding you back and you must communicate your intentions honourably and with integrity and make sure there is no misunderstandings for there are people who are gossiping and struggling and causing a bit of a battlefield. You need to work out who your friends really are and the people that are no longer vibrating on the same frequency as you, you need to clear the decks and move forwards onto other things and realising that they are no longer viable or productive to moving forwards. Perhaps you've had yourself stripped of illusions and delusions. You need to make sure that things are clear and that you practice what you preach. It's a time of actions and abilities. It's this that will ensure success or failure - for you've got to work out the practical dimensions that must take place in order to keep moving forwards. It can be an easy time to fool ourselves and to allow ourselves into believing what we see to be the truth because it suits us. This is just self-deception. You are someone who is curious on a number of subjects and your very quick at picking up. You are able to come together with some fast conclusions with just a few facts. Learning for you is a joy for you flit from one subject to another due to a mental restlessness which leads to boredom if you stay with something for too long. As long as you've got constant new interests and intellectual challenges you will feel stimulated enough to get on and make sure that the communications take place - the Magician is all about communications. You need to write letters, make phone calls or arrange meetings and make sure that you're on top of all situations. This is a time to move forward and to mix with people who are light hearted but on your same wavelength. It is time to let go of friends, colleagues or associates who are no longer productive and are just causing to feel that you cannot move forwards easily. Continue to stay around them and you will find there's nothing but muddles, mix ups and possible mischief for there are some people who are better off left behind. It's important to recognise that life is moving forwards and that you must use your brain, your communication skirls and your powers of thought and your view reality to get to where you need to be next.