You have chosen the Magician and the Five of Pentacles. The Five of Pentacles shows that you've been down on your luck recently. You've got feelings of being left out in the cold. Perhaps you've recently lost your job or have been unemployed, facing redundancy and are feeling a little sorry for yourself. Do not feel so abandoned or feel that you are destitute and facing poverty for you are certainly not in a situation where you do not have good friends or a good mind for that matter. It is time for you to look at everybody around you and find out who your true friends are. Perhaps it is time to look at who and what is important to you in your life and to ask those people concerned for help. This is an excellent time for new friendships or old friendships to be cemented and the realisation of who your friends are and why they are your friends - for in your most difficult times you will find out exactly who you want around. The Magician card is telling you that you have got to start achieving your goals and you have the willpower to do so. Now you must manifest your desires to earn your full potential out of this world for the Magician is asking you to look at how your mind is working. It's about how you think and view reality, how you speak to people, how you communicate. It may not be how you actually talk to people but the verbal expression is only one way of communication. After all, the atmosphere we create with our moods, our feelings, our emotions and the image that we create by the accent we use, the clothes we wear all say something to other people about who we are - so be careful that you do not come across as a sorrowful character because far from it, yes you are going through some difficult times but you must come up with what you want from life and what you're going to do about it. You are a very clever person, capable of coming up with lots and lots of opportunities for an increased income but that does not manifest itself through worrying or moaning about how unfortunate life has been for you. It is about the opportunity to create something from nothing. This is what you're being asked to do - to look and search for what it is you've truly wanted to do with your life instead of just going along with the flow. This is the chance for you to embark upon a new enterprise. Think carefully about how you choose how you want to earn your living for only you can sell yourself in the way that you communicate to potential employment situations.