You have chosen the Magician and the Eight of Wands. The Magician is the card of how your mind is working. It's about how you think and view reality. It deals with your speech and your communication in your world. It works in close proximity with the Planet Mercury. The Magician is a card of achievement. It's about manifesting the things you want for yourself. This is done by sheer determination and will power. You achieve your goals by making sure you have all the tools on the table. You're in the right place at the right time, you have the knowledge, the wisdom, the power and you're capable of hard work so you will achieve what you want. The Eight of Wands is signifying there is very good news on it's way to you and its travelling fast. This is usually a time offer of within eight weeks. It's a very positive time. Now the Eight of Wands is a happening card. It signifies lots of travel and lots of movement. It's things that get off from the ground but it's also to do with air travel so the link here is journeys overseas. Things are in mid flight - it just means things are happening extremely fast, there is no waiting around. This is a time for you to really work on what you want. It's a time for travel and a time for work. By manifesting what you want you will make it happen. Now is the time to make sure that your communications are up to top scratch. It's time for writing letters, making phone calls, and arranging meetings. Keep things light hearted but make sure that your communications are definitely not delayed. This is not a time to be backwards when it's time to come forwards. It's all about everything being one step ahead of the game that makes sure that you further your cause. Wherever you can use your mind as much as possible you will find that you are launching your new ideas. This is more stimulating and exciting than you thought was possible. This will be an extremely good time to make sure that you start something and see it right through to the end.