You have chosen the Magician and the Eight of Cups. You're moving on through experience particularly when it comes to your emotions. Your experience is now that this is the time for you. You're realising its time to move forwards and onwards but you may need to leave behind an emotional gap and abandon your life as you know it. It's time to walk away from what was home and to leave behind the old life. It's time to make a move. You must leave behind some part of your old self for you realise that within a month new things will probably happen. You must look at the fulfilment of time and to show that you've got the power to be courageous and brave: to let go and leave behind those that you love and care about. It's time to show that you can be independent, possibly moving away from home or you may be going back to work or trying out something for the very first time. Leave the safety net of what you know are your loved ones who protect you from all these things in the outside world - it's time for you to enter a new chapter of life - the Magician is asking you to look at how your mind is working and how you think and view reality. The Magician is a card of achievement, so it's time to achieve. You could use willpower, speech and communication to manifest and achieve the goals that you know you want to set out to do. Now is the start of that action. The Magician can only work if you're prepared to work along with him and put hard work into the enterprise that you are searching to achieve. It shows that you're thinking is absolutely spot on. Emotionally and spiritually you're ready for this. Physically, now you've got to make it happen but there's lots of hard work in store - you just need to make sure that you have the plans ready and that you are going to work as hard as possible for this with determination and willpower.