You have chosen the Lovers and the 2 of Wands.These are two excellent cards for the 2 of Wands shows that you're a pair that's working within a partnership. This may be a business partnership or a loving partnership or perhaps you've combined the two. It is a little gappy in it's relationship because there is distance between the two parties but that's probably because you're probably following your own individual paths even though you work together. It can be a lonely partnership where you sometimes feel that you pay the price for success. Perhaps you're self employed and you really don't get the opportunity to spend much time with the people you'd love to be with. You have to keep contemplating the future, wondering shall you or shall you not. The Lovers is about communication because this is linked with the star sign Gemini. It's an air sign and the physical attractions that come in life can make choices to be made in a relationship. Sometimes there's an obstacle in the relationship which is seen as a third party. In your case it's the temptation of work but that's ok because you have to work hard for a living, you're not pretending to be anyone you're not. You're a hard worker and no one could ever accuse you of being lazy. You seem to sometimes be inconsistent because you're always busy and in need of change or variety to be happy. You're a highly original individual and you're a great talker. You're happy to spend hours on the phone and are seldom at a loss for words. You get bored by routine and you need to flit from idea to idea because you have such a thirst for knowledge plus you're a sociable soul and you like the approval, the discussions of your ideas with other people, especially if they are important to you but two roads can' t be travelled at once so you have an inner tension which you find deeply challenging because you've many contradictions. Half of you wants to make peace with yourself the other half is always moving on to higher ideals and conflict at life's diversities. Communication to you is fundamental because you are inquisitive and reluctant to be identified exclusively with anyone directional viewpoint. You're always looking for new stimuli. You'd be happiest working in fields such as research, teaching or the media where you are able to translate one dimension of lie into another.