You have chosen the Lovers and the 2 of Swords. The Lovers is a card that deals with communication between two people. It also has links towards short journeys. There is a physical attraction between you and another person and there are choices to be made within this relationship. There is an obstacle involved within this relationship of temptation. This temptation is regarding the lack of communication or the lack of truth towards oneself but you are certainly not choosing to see things clearly. You're turning a blind eye to what you know is there. You must take the blindfold off and stop burying your head in the sand. You're choosing not to look at what really matters and you need to call a truce. This is to do with a partnership and a pair in both cards. The indecision is not knowing what to do next and living on the edge. What is necessary here is a meeting of minds, body and hearts and for one of you to see the truth and to really wake up and smell the coffee. It's time to make a decision otherwise things will get out of hand. This is a small, minor setback at this moment in time but these cards tell you that if you do not deal with this matter early on it will grow out of proportion and things will be much harder to sort out later on. Your choices may be taken out of your hands so it's all about needing to communicate and making sure that your communications are linking your minds as much as possible. You've got to put your feelings into words and clear the air and make sure that everybody feels stimulated. It's about being as articulate as possible and as honest as you can be with yourself more so than the other person, for you're really kidding yourself. Take off the blindfold and look at the love and affection that is around you and realise that your loving liaisons will go from strength to strength providing you're enterprising and satisfied as people. Try to make sure that you're strong enough not to manipulate or be self centred in your approach so you can have the happiness and harmony with others or with this person providing you are true to yourself. It's sorting things out and making sure that things are not rocky or maybe it's about whether you want love or whether you want materialistic gain. You need the opportunity to be yourself but within a relationship at the same time, following the same course, together.