You have chosen the Lovers and the 2 of Pentacles.The Lovers represents a couple. This could be your partner or your friends or your family, someone that you have a deep emotional attachment to that tends to get in the way of your relationship and causes the rows is your inability to cope with your finances for you're always jugging your finances and robbing Peter to pay Paul. You struggle and struggle with your financial commitments. Sometimes ending up walking such a tightrope that you feel that you have no choice. It may mean that you have to sit down and take control and communicate with those you love and care about and develop a strategy to either get a new job which will pay more or to take on another part time job. The 2 of Pentacles also says that it's possible you may be offered an internal transfer at work for you it is always leisure and pleasure so you tend to surround yourself with luxury but you've got to make sure that your heart doesn't rule your head. Any relationship that you want to go from strength to strength will be better if you communicate. Although the Lovers can signify happiness, communication is vital. Difficult situations are always best if you opt for the traditional approach, communication and on materialistic matters the be all and end all to everything. Money is energy, it gives you freedom and choice but you need to work hard and get yourself ahead. What's required now is for you to be diligent, dutiful and practical. A little bit of hard work, no distractions when it comes to finances and try to chose the humble approach to the leisurely side of life. Not everything you do must cost money, it's only for a short time. Once you're back on track you can take that adventurous spirit of yours that is so eager for new stimuli and put your restlessness into an inquisitive adventure that allows you to travel many roads. You are someone who has an observant eye and an intellect which craves a range of experiences. It is difficult for you to follow a single path at once. The Lovers is ruled by the star sign Gemini whose planetary ruler is Mercury. This means you feel that you want to travel many roads at once in different directions. The restlessness you feel inspires you into feelings, ideas and energy that flows unpredictably. It can be difficult for you to make a stand because you see so many points of view all at one but have you thought that your multiple talents are not all tied in with spending money so it's time to look at your finances carefully and scrutinise the way you spend your money and make necessary cut backs that will cause you to be in control once again of your economy.