You have chosen the Lovers and the 2 of Cups.This is a truly amazing combination. Both cards signify relationships. It is a happy couple in love that is caring for each other that is displayed by the 2 of Cups. It is a true togetherness in a truly loving relationship. You have a soul mate and you are able to go through life happy and content. It is a meeting of hearts, souls, minds and bodies. You are truly able to communicate with each other. The Lovers card is also about communication. It is the physical attraction between the two of you within a relationship. You two can go through life defeating all the obstacles that come your way. You are both able to express yourself in creative ways through imagination, vision, spiritual aspirations and the mystery of human love. You are both looking for family and roots and are passionate about your desires. You are able to shape your relationship into something concrete and strong yet you are both able to dissolve any obstacles that come in your path. There is a need within both of you for material and emotional security in which to provide yourself a base. You're both realistic about life and able to protect yourself and each other. You're both moving towards a goal and that is security for each other. Whether this is provided by close family or a reliable job or an indispensable role within your social or professional group, it does not matter. You're both working together following the same path but leading independent lives at the same time. This is a truly loving and remarkable relationship. You both have a restless and inquisitive nature and you are both eager for new stimuli. This will keep the relationship happiest when you are both free to explore and exchange ideas. You are truly both blessed.