You have chosen the Lovers and the 3 of Swords.The Lovers is a card that deals with the physical attraction to be made within a relationship. Usually this physical attraction has some obstacles which could be in your case to do with the meeting of minds for there is the temptation to not communicate and tell each other what is actually happening. If you're not involved in a relationship yet this signifies what happened within your last partnership. The lack of communication led to heartbreak and within this situation you will find yourself here again. The only reason that anyone feels hurt, rejected, or unloved is due to the fact that this person feels uninvolved in your life. You must make sure that you communicate and express your thoughts and feelings and let people know what is going on. It's time to be high minded and you must realise that communications clears the air, helps other people feel that they are not bored or stuck in a rut. By stimulating yourself and the other person you keep the excitement within the relationship, making sure that communications is at the forefront of everything. you're sensitive enough to realise that verbal language is one form of communication and to be sensitive enough to pick up on the body language and facial expressions that tells you a lot about the communication from another person. By not realising that you are not in communications you will find that this can destroy a relationship for all anybody wants to know is exactly what's going on. Relationships are definitely hard work and you will find that you really are capable of deep love and devotion to another person but it needs to be a relationship of minds as much as hearts and bodies. Loyalty is everything. Without communication, frustration, depression and endless boredom will prove too high a price for any one person to stick with it. It is plain and simple. You must talk to each other.