You have chosen the Lovers and the 7 of Cups.Within your relationship between you and another person whether it is an emotional relationship or a family relationship there are problems. You are full of emotional confusion and you're not firing on all cylinders. Your energy levels are low. You cannot see straight and you have very scattered focus. You are feeling negative. There's a need for you to clear the clutter. You may need professional help if you're finding it hard. Your imagination has started to run away from you and things do not seem quite right. You must clear the clutter. If you're feeling that things are becoming far too much, and that you are feeling paranoid it would be good for you to talk to someone who is professionally able to help you. If it is a situation where you feel that it is just a matter of sorting things out, then you must prioritise a top list of what is important. At the moment you have so many scattered thoughts, you can do nothing. You're mentally and emotionally drained. You're incapable of making any decisions and decisions you are making are based on low energy, therefore you're not thinking straight. You're not using your head or your heart. You're not able to connect to your gut reaction. You must sit down and make a list, a written list, of the things that need to be sorted. It is only then that you will be able to see clearly. By being able to see straight and think clearly you will be able to prioritise the things that are bothering you most. Things are just out of proportion at this moment in time. This is obviously having a massive impact upon any relationships around you. You must communicate to those that you love and try to explain how things have got this way. If there's been a third party involved, it is probably better to go to someone who is impartial but either way you need to prioritise things. You will know which is the most important issue to deal with first. Try to clear your mind of everything else, having made a list, try to prioritise the things you can do something about and deal with them one at a time and make a list of the things you can do nothing about and choose not to worry about. If matters are so grave I stress that you take professional advice.