You have chosen the Lovers and the Page of Swords.There is a physical attraction of choices to be made within a relationship. Usually there is an obstacle within the relationship. The obstacle in your relationship is to do with matters of communication. You're finding yourself involved in minor setbacks which are extremely irritable and annoying. There is a possible situation which means that this is in it's infancy and that the matter cannot develop until your experience and knowledge is learned. This situation is going backwards and forwards and round and round, yo-yoing from one situation to the next but causing you to feel that you're a bit of an air head. These general nuisances are simply a case of the infancy of the relationship which has not yet mastered enough knowledge to complete it's journey to where you'd like it to go. There is the ability to have happiness and harmony but matters must be worked out between the lack of communication that is going on. These muddles and mix ups are genuinely to do with not expressing yourself. Your communications are not coming out right. You must concentrate on making sure that you deal with matters instead of getting into a state at the first sight of a muddle. Perhaps there is boredom within this relationship and maybe you flit from one subject to another too quickly due to the stimulation that you crave. One minute things are fine, the next you find yourself like a butterfly going backwards and forwards feeling that you're stuck in a rut. This is because you try to travel two roads at once even though you need both of them you feel discontent and incomplete and not really at peace within yourself. This is to do with life's diversity, nothing exists without it's opposite and communication is fundamental. You are someone who is inquisitive and restless. You're reluctant to be identified exclusively with any one direction or viewpoint. You're keen for lots of new stimuli and you resent being trapped by obligations which stops the freedom you have to explore and exchange ideas in different ways. You have to realise that no single path, no matter how good it is it's likely to fulfil you for you are someone who likes to wear many hats and play many parts. You are definitely capable of deep love and devotion to another person but this must involve a relationship of mind, heart, body and spirit. Otherwise boredom proves too high a price. Work out your feelings, plan your ideas and allow for the fact that your energy flows sometimes unpredictably. Unfortunately you are able to see so many different points of view that sometimes you're confused. For this reason work on educating yourself with knowledge for you have multiple talents you need to be able to work through life's wonderful variety of experience and viewpoints and not feel restricted.