You have chosen the Lovers and the Page of Pentacles.The Lovers is a card of communication and is about the physical attraction, the choices we make within a relationship. Usually there's an obstacle within the relationship when this card appears for this is after all the card of temptation. The obstacle within your relationship is about a new message of a financial opportunity coming your way. You have such fixed focus and such deep study that you're learning ways to train and make money. Educating yourself. It's all about the goods and possessions in one way or another, the material things in life. These are cards that make you realise that you have to work hard for your money and that things happen slowly. It can be to do with major finance. You will always put your financial security first and for you seeing is believing so you are rather rooted and materialistic and earth bound in your ways. This is the obstacle within your relationship. You are so busy being materialistic, providing a future which is fine, that you are forgetting to invest some time with another human being who you call your partner. We all forget to communicate and remind the ones we truly love and care for that they are important to us. You must not, and you are, take this person for granted. You need to communicate and just talk about how difficult things may be sometimes but at the same time to remind each other why you are together. It is important to care for each other and investing some time for relationships are extremely hard work. Two people coming together may not be pulling in the same direction at the same time. It is important to communicate with each other so you can find out whether you're both following the same path or going your separate ways. With such deep study and focus involved in your training it would he hard for you to remember sometimes that this person also needs reminding that you love and care for them. Do not feel that they should know or understand just by the very nature that you are together and that why would you need to have to keep reminding them, you're so busy. This person will get fed up, frustrated, feel left out, unwanted and unloved. Resentment sets in and then things get muddled up, mixed up, misunderstandings and before you know it, you are into problems. Don't let his happen to you. Remember that no matter how long you are together relationships need reinvesting. They are constant hard work and they are just as important as keeping your job. You would not expect your boss to just put up with any attitude, why should your partner. It is important to remember they are very, very valuable asset within your life and they need constant nurturing even when you're tired, just a simple humble touch, feel or just two second communication just to remind the person how important they are is all it will take. It's simply a case of being reminded that we have to communicate in some way verbally, or if you're more comfortable with non verbal forms of communication and that person responds to that, then do it otherwise you two will be pulling in complete separate directions.