You have chosen the Lovers and the 9 of Swords.You are suffering from mental anguish and discovering that you are having sleepless nights. Even if you are sleeping you are not getting your rest. This is mental anguish and leading to you feeling mentally exhausted. You must get some sleep and you really must look after yourself for you are fearing the result of something of a negative situation around you. You must communicate to somebody who you feel that you trust. You will find that by communicating you can make some sense of this situation which has been blown out of proportion. Perhaps you are worried about someone or something and spending far too much time obsessing over what might be. By communicating and being direct and forthright you will discover and learn things that maybe you do not want to know but you would feel better for you would then not be imagining such dreadful things. The Lovers is a card of communication and this is why you're being asked to speak to someone you trust for the physical attraction that goes on within a relationship must be a meeting of minds, bodies, spirits and communication. When communication has let you down you decided to become more worried about things that you know nothing of. Usually the obstacle within a relationship is a lack of communication. By using your mind as much as possible you can put your feelings into words and clear the air with someone. You need to launch your feelings and thoughts to someone else. Perhaps you had too much time on your hands and felt bored or stuck in a rut and looking for more stimulation and excitement your mind has gone overtime. If things have been a bit rocky you will soon be reunited and things will go from strength to strength for you. There is happiness and harmony around you, particularly with your family setting. Maybe you've had difficult situations and maybe you've had to choose between something of an earthbound situation rather than the spiritual but if you've been rather materialistic you must look at the spiritual aspect of what really matters and to talk to your partner and to learn to trust the things that matter is to feel that you communicate and that you both know where you stand.