You have chosen the Lovers and the Knight of Cups.This is a time of communication and short journeys. There is a physical attraction and there's some choices to be made in a relationship. Usually there is a third party involved which is the obstacle within the relationship. It is the card of temptation. There is a new romantic love coming into your life. This will take you onto new shores and horizons. There's new social invitations. You're breaking new ground. There's an enthusiasm which is totally unpredictable where you go around with a grin on your face, feeling just fine for you're in transit always and everything about this relationship is elegant. There is a gracefulness within you that people will notice for there is joy in your life and the relationship that you are involved in brings in hope. Although in it's infancy this love affair tells us that the two of you are communicating beautifully for you're using your mind as much as possible and you've cleared the air with other people for your eloquence and articulate attributes put you in the top league as far as communication goes. This is the key to this relationship working, the fact that you can communicate. The only obstacle within the relationship is quite simply that you can sometimes be a little too romantic to the point where nothing else gets done but you're enjoying this fabulous time because the person that you're involved with is stimulating and you're feeling much stronger now. This card signifies happiness and harmony, not even with your relationship but happiness and harmony with other people perhaps to do with work or your family. Sometimes there is a choice with the Lovers card between being spiritual and earth bound. What that means is that sometimes we have to take our duties seriously but at the same time are being torn with the wonderful nature of being in love. This is the obstacle within your relationship. You must get the balance right and make sure that you are not avoiding friends, family or even work matters just because you're having such a marvellous time. It doesn't seem fair I know but you have to get the balance right. You still have to pay the bills and you need a career. You'll work on it by communicating between the two of you and realising there are other aspects to your relationship such as work matters and family matters that must be taken into consideration.