You have chosen the Lovers and the King of Wands.The Lovers is a card of communication. There are matters of short journeys that go on in our lives. It's about the physical attraction and the choices to be made within a relationship. Usually there is an obstacle in a relationship which is after all, the card of temptation. In your case it is to do with your fixed focus. This is the obstacle within the relationship. Your focus can be rigid. You're adventurous and creative and you're someone that loves the outdoors because you're so physically active and work extremely hard you forget to make time for your partner. You're extremely hard working and you like to be in charge. Always on a mission and that's wonderful. You are keen to start something new all the time and you have the right balance particularly when it comes to you. But within the relationship you must remember that as a separate individual you must occasionally come together. It's all about communication. You must, no matter how long you have been together, remember to invest some quality time together. If you are unable to do so just quality conversation. Keep each other informed. Don't take each other for granted and constantly reinvent ways to put a spark back in your relationship. Relationships are extremely hard work and most people take them for granted. This is possible what's happened to you. You're putting everything else before your relationship feeling that you've got comfy and that his person should support and understand exactly how busy you are or how enthusiastic you are about your friends or your hobbies or your family. Whatever your excuse, yes we know, those other aspects are important but so is your relationship and if you expect that person to just understand and put up with it, think again. It is important that you treat them with respect and respect for yourself for if you value the relationship that is sacred too. It is important that at any age, or any stage, that people communicate and do not take each other for granted. It is very easy when we are all extremely busy trying to make a living to forget to just mutter the occasional thank you for that or the kind words or a romantic gesture, whatever the way you two respond and talk to each other, it is important to remember not to take each other for granted and not to expect the other person to put up with hardly ever seeing you or hardly ever being included in your plans. Make the time or make the break. It's your choice, follow a path together or go your separate ways. It's a question of choice. The obstacle is there, you can easily remove it.