Free Online Two Card Tarot Reading

The Lovers and The King of Cups

You have chosen the Lovers and the King of Cups.The Lovers is a card of communication and physical attraction. It's about the choices to be made within a relationship. Usually there is an obstacle within the relationship. Something that we all have to face up to but do not worry for this is simply remembering to take some extra time for each other so that you're not taking each other for granted. You do have a loving, kind, compassionate person and you are sensitive and trusting as a couple and are very in touch with your emotional sides. Even when it comes to your work, in fact, that could be the problem. You are giving so much in your daily lives that you are forgetting to remember to put a little bit of sparkle back into the relationship instead of taking it for granted and expecting that you've been together for some time. It is very easy to become comfy within a relationship. Relationships are hard work. They need constant stimulation and constant communication so that you remember to take time out for each other. Because you both have quite creative and loving natures, you are in a hurry with the other people around you to the point that sometimes there is nothing left for each other when you get home. It is important to set aside a little time so that the two of you make some quality time together where you remember to be romantic. It is simply a matter of a little communication breakdown, for you need to keep putting back the happiness and harmony that goes on between the two of you. You're excellent at achieving this in your daily lives with your friends, family and work but it is important to remember each other, the closer someone is to us the more we can take them for granted, that they know that we love them and that of course we're too tired to spend a little bit of time thinking and talking about the things that are important for a couple to do so. This card has come up to remind you to take time out for each other and to put that sparkle back for it is important that you constantly re-stimulate the love that changes and that you share, it keeps you together as a team and the many layers that we go through as Lovers, the real friends, romantic, sexual, creative together or simply a case of business partners or almost a brother/sister support for each other within our daily lives. We have to remember that all of those rules will come and go but we must be the Lovers for that is the physical attraction that keeps people together.

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