You have chosen the Lovers and the 4 of Swords.The Lovers is a card that deals with the physical attraction that's within a relationship. Sometimes choices must be made and usually there is an obstacle within the relationship when this card appears. It's a card of temptation between man and a woman and an attraction that goes on between two human beings. It shows that you must have strength in reserve at the moment and you must do nothing for this requires a period of rest. You must take some time out from this relationship and allow yourself to recover from whatever has just happened for it has been mentally, physically and spiritually exhausting. You need to do nothing and to collect your thoughts and to take some time to think with no action required. Repeat, no action required. You need to lay down and recover. This is time for stillness, retreat, recovery and so therefore you must accept your own impendence within a relationship and respect the other person as an independent being also. It is important that most relationships follow the same path at the same time and communication is always important. A breakdown of communication is always where you will face a difficult decision together. You must chose between whether it's spiritual or earthly love, whether or not you are thinking that there is this person is a meeting of minds, bodies, hearts and spirits for you need time to work out whether or not this relationship is simply lust or whether it is really love. Only you can tell but you must take some time out to think how you feel before making a commitment one way or the other. Once you have taken some rest you must be aware that you must clear the air and launch your ideas and make sure that you are not bored or stuck in a rut. You'll need to stimulate and excite this to a situation that is acceptable for both parties. By using your communication and using your mind as much as possible you can put your feelings into words and clear the air completely.