You have chosen the Lovers and the 8 of Wands.The Lovers is about physical attractions and choices to be made in a relationship. Sometimes there's a third party involved which is usually the obstacle within a relationship. In your case it is probably to do with matters or work or your career or your partner's career. It means you don't spend enough quality time together and that you feel that sometimes communication is not at it's best. However, the 8 of Wands is mid flight. It is the card of air travel and a very positive time for you. Things are going to happen quite quickly and there is some good news travelling very fast to you. It is also known as Cupid's Arrows of Love. Usually the good news will be here to arrive within eight weeks. It is linked to any air travel and the Lovers alone is about short journeys so for you it looks like your career, your communication and any journeys are very favourable for you right now. The difficulties you will face is two roads cannot be travelled at once and you are restless and inquisitive and reluctant to be identified exclusively with anyone directional viewpoint. You're always eager for new stimuli. You resent being trapped by obligations which can curtail your freedom to explore and exchange ideas. You are capable of such deep love and devotion to another person but it must involve a relationship of minds, as much as hearts, bodies and loyalty. Your energy is expressed in a drive that is restless and your feelings and ideas, even your physical energy flows unpredictably. It can sometimes be difficult to be made a definite stand between so many different points of view because they are all so interesting and valid. Higher education is equally important to you because you have so many multiple talents. You sometimes have an impossible idealistic longing for a perfect world which means you're probably doomed to frequent disappointments by the inconsistencies of human nature. You have great tenacity and commitment. Not just for your personal needs but for those that you feel are ideal to those that you love and care about. No relationship is capable of sustaining uninterrupted harmony. Be careful that you do not experience much disillusionment in matters of the heart.