You have chosen the Lovers and the 8 of Cups.The Lovers is about a relationship that is close to you. It is ruled by Gemini and Gemini is all about communication. It's about the physical attraction and the choices to be made within a relationship. You must move on through experience. Now is the time for you to move forwards. You will be leaving a huge emotional gap within your life. You are in fact abandoning your life as you know it and you must walk away and leave the old life behind you. You must move on. Within a month new things will happen and within a month the fulfilment of time something will come to show that you had power, courage and bravery to let go. There has been a void within your relationship, there has been a gap and a distance between you. There has been a breakdown in communication and the physical attraction is no longer what is enough to keep you there. You must have support and understanding from the person closest to you and you must go on and be independent as a human being without them. You have the strength and the courage to go away, clear your life and rebuild. You will find there is no further growth within the relationship that you are relying upon. This support and stability you will find that you must be self sufficient and rely upon your courage and your strength to know that what you want is different from what you've had and that by moving forwards you free yourself to independence where you have the choice and the freedom to explore the new avenues of life that have yet to be discovered.