You have chosen the Lovers and the Ace of Pentacles.The Lovers shows you that you are in a relatinship where there is a physical attraction to another person. Things that go wrong within your relationship is usually to do with money and the material aspect of how you conduct your life. The temptation to overspend is often there. One thing on your side is the fact that you have the ability to communicate. You are capable of telling the other person exactly why you feel that you should spend the money. The Ace of Pentacles is something that is good for you for it shows there is a new financial opportunity. The Ace of Pentacles is the card of wealth and shows that you're always lucky. There are golden opportunities galore for you but you must make sure you continue to communicate with your partner about the goings on, the financial transactions that effect both of you. Usually, anything that causes you two to have arguments or obstacles that come into the relationship is usually to do with the material aspect of your desires. You are someone who lives with contradictions and you try to travel two roads that cannot be travelled at once. You have a restless nature where you are reluctant to be identified exclusively in any one direction particularly when it comes to money or matters of your financial security. You are always keen and eager for new stimuli but this always causes your finance to take a plummet. You resent being trapped by obligations because you feel it curtails the freedom you have to explore and exchange your ideas. There's no single path likely to fulfil you, you have an adventurous spirit that has a longing to discover and explore. You are capable of very deep love and devotion to this person and for you it must be a relationship of minds as well as hearts but your feelings and your energy flows unpredictably and sometimes it can be difficult for you to make a stand because you just see so many points of view. You're being told to take the initiative in everything to do with money matters for this is a good opportunity to increase everything particularly when it comes to your sense of security. You've got to investigate ways of making your money grow, seek advice from the professionals, find out about savings schemes, invest in possessions that will rise, anything that helps you continue with your ambitious spirit. The main point here is for the two of you to agree. Communication will sort matters out and let your parter see your point of view where you can make choices based on what you both think.