You have chosen the High Priestess and the 2 of Wands.Pairs are about the 2 of Wands. You need to be working as a partnership. A business partnership although it may be a 'gappy' one. There may be distance between the two parties involved through distance or the fact that it is quite lonely and that although it works very well, you may be paying the price of success somewhere else. Perhaps you are contemplating the future and wondering what you should do or the High Priestess will be making you feel that you are a little bit confused because the High Priestess is ruled by the moon and this effects your mood and your emotions which has significant effects when you are 20, 40 and 60 years of age. Your emotional outlook is going to be going through some rapid changes and there is a fate or a secret to be revealed to you. The High Priestess is a very psychic card. It means that what is going to happen has not yet been known to you because it's in the future and you can't really know what's happening in the future - not until it's happened. You must tune into your own intuition to find the answers to any questions you want. There is a gut feeling within all of use where you'll find there are lots of coincidences going on which helps you clarify what your gut feeling's probably already telling you and although you put it down to coincidence or synchronicity it really doesn't matter. If it makes sense to you this is your intuition showing you how. You may find that within your partnership you may have to pick you way through a minefield, through many mistakes and muddles or even misunderstandings. Sometimes things don't quite seem as they really are because the moon can be highly deceptive and things can look different to us from the sunlight to the moon light which is where we sometimes get deluded. You might have to deal with following a gut reaction or an instinct - that's the best way to deal with this and make sure that within your relationship there is no jealousy going on from your business colleague. Perhaps this is to do with envy or that this person is living in the past and is just going through a time when they feel slightly deluded. Either way, keep your distance and work on your own projects knowing that you're going to be guided directly and intuitively from your own perceptions rather than feeling that you're getting advice from someone who perhaps you'd rather not be.