You have chosen the High Priestess and the Two of Pentacles.The High Priestess is a card of the future and the 2 of Pentacles tells us that your finances at the moment are difficult. You are juggling your finances, robbing Peter to pay Paul, in fact you are struggling. Possibly you are using two part time jobs to keep the money rolling in but you know that things are difficult and that you are walking a very thin line. There is the possibility of a new job offer for you in the future and the 2 of Pentacles also talks about an internal transfer at work. You are particularly being effected if you are around the ages of 20, 40 or 60 for your emotional outlook is going through some rapid changes. the High Priestess works in conjunction with the moon which does effect your mood and your emotions. The High Priestess is a card of the future so your fate is yet to be revealed to you. It's as if it's a secret. It is a very intuitive card and a very psychic card. The moon particularly deals with a symbol of time and it also deals with our fundamental needs such as the every day things of warmth, nourishment, safety and all physical and emotional well-being. It is about the physical affection and the emotional connection with other human beings although this can take many courses for some it is simply being satisfied by work which offers the source of an emotional and physical security but for others it is a far greater need for the safety and comfort of a loving family but on a basic level it is about our need for nourishment and the structure of safety within our lives. You are being asked to value and look at your emotional and physical well-being. The moon causes us to feel that we are under confusion for everything looks different in the moonlight. It is probably making you feel a little bit more vulnerable that you really are and although you're independent it would be nice to depend upon someone. Use your hunches and your gut feelings. Look after yourself and look at what you're ultimate goal is in life for it is in the connection to everything that matters here and if you are struggling something is telling you that something is wrong so you seriously need to look at your intuition, your gut feelings and ask yourself is this what you truly want. If not you have to have a strategy and a goal and start again for what is needed here is a complete re-think but this must come from you.