You have chosen the High Priestess and the 10 of Wands.The 10 of Wands tells us that you are physically shattered, you're carrying the complete burden of everything. You can't see the woods for the trees, you're so busy trying to cope with everything and everyone around you that you're shattered and because you are so tired you can't see what's next. You really can't cope with any more so therefore you are stumbling around, not coping very well. You're too proud and too independent to ask for help but you really need. You need to go back and delegate but you're feeling too tired, the burden's too heavy, it's too much for one person, you need to delegate. You may find yourself suffering physically, particularly with back problems. Don't be proud and selfish and stop lacking trust in everyone you know. You're poor physical body is worn out. Then what? Once you're burnt out then what? Someone would have to take over then. You must rest. The High Priestess is the other card that you have chosen. This is ruled by the moon and the moon deals with your moods and your emotions which has massive and important impact for you through the ages of 20, 40 and 60 years of age. It is at these times that your emotional outlook is going through some rapid changes. the High Priestess is telling you that there is a secret to be revealed to you, a fate coming to you. It is a card of the future so it has not happened yet. This is a very psychic card. What is usually called for is for you to look at things truly because the moon can be highly deceptive. When we look at things in the moonlight, things can look strange, causing us to feel illusions and delusions all over the place so perhaps that's what you're doing. You need to look at things in the crystal light of day and to use your gut feelings from the moon to tell you what your hunches really know. You must delegate. You must rest and you must take some time out. You've been working far too hard and you are missing out on lots of opportunities. Life should be about harmony and balance and here you are just physically shattered. You need to be more mentally, intuitively and emotionally satisfied that you really are. You are slightly out of balance. Use the High Priestess card to help you achieve some control back in your life.