You have chosen the High Priestess and the 7 of Wands.You're at an advantage and you're in a position to defend yourself particularly at work or career matters. You're definitely staying on top of every situation. This is because you are in a privileged position. The 7 of Wands is a very positive card for it's certainly shows that you are definitely achieving and managing to do very, very well. You are ahead of attack and defending yourself very easily. Now keep your plans to yourself so you are one step ahead of the game and you play all your cards very close to your chest. You defend things off very easily - you're a bit of a card player and you know exactly the next step should be for everybody around you so therefore you are always playing with a strategy and tactics that are successful. This is excellent if you are in business or if you are setting up a company or a business of your own. Whatever field you are in you are able to always be in a place of advantage and on top, and one step ahead of all those around you. This is probably because of the link with the High Priestess card. The High Priestess is linked to the moon which deals with your mood and your emotions and goes through some rapid, important changes on an emotional level round about the ages of 20, 40 and 60. The High Priestess is a fate or a secret yet to be revealed to you. It's a very psychic card and it's a card of the future so it has not happened yet but it is linked to what you are doing, and you are in a privileged position to be doing very well. You know your stuff and you do it very well. You will probably find that the High Priestess will guide you even more. She will show you the answers as you go along. It will be about using your intuition and your gut feelings and to respond to situations where you sometimes don't know which way to turn or feel that you are not able to ask the advice of others around you for fear of them understanding what you are about to do or not quite understanding your plans. Either way it doesn't matter, you will just be asked to look at gut feelings. If you find this difficult, practice by looking at the old saying of being in the right place at the right time , having the right people around you, a little bit of luck. It is those kind of things that mean your intuition or your gut feeling is working at it's maximum. Sometimes it can be as easy as the things we constantly keep seeing where we see repetitively the same symbol, or the same sign or the same sentence, or are hearing the same song. Something that means something to us that is telling us something as in not to ignore it but you're usually ok because you're in a privileged position right now. It's good that you are able to look at things from a positive perspective where you plan with strategies and you need to continue to do so and you will be successful.