You have chosen the High Priestess and the 7 of Swords.The High Priestess works in conjunction with the moon which affects your mood and your emotions. Your emotional outlook will be going through some rapid changes for the High Priestess is a secret or fate yet to be revealed to you. It's a very psychic card. You may be feeling heightened emotions at the moment for everything looks strange and different in the moonlight. The High Priestess works closely with the moon, changing our mood and our emotions, shifting with the tides. It shows that there is a change in the way that you are thinking and indeed in the way that you are operating your life. The 7 of Swords explains that there is a different direction to be taken and a need to go in quietly through the back door, to not make any loud announcements about your change of plan. This is not a dishonest way, it is simply a way of making sure that you feel that it is for your own good and you must seize this chance. Don't give up; this is a time to persevere. You may feel it's unethical not to let everyone know your intentions, so just watch your back and don't feel that you must tell everybody everything. You're changing camp and it is not dishonest of you to want to do so. You're realising that you're being stimulated by something, seizing a chance to take this opportunity to embark upon something new and different that would be right for you. You sometimes feel that you must tell everybody everything for you love an atmosphere of grace and harmony within your personal life. You have diplomacy and tact in all dealings with others and you are kind, courteous and gentle but you hate anyone feeling distasteful about anything you do. You are someone who is refined and civilised and everything to you must be fair and ethical, so this feels slightly different for you but you are just learning about the opposite's. There is nothing untoward in your actions. Seize this opportunity, keep everything close to your chest and when you feel ready to expose what you want to do, feel free to do so. This is your life, you're allowed to do as you wish without having to tell everybody what you're doing.